Joint film magazine research

Joint Ideas for magazine front cover

Images: when taking the images we have consider about the age gap for our target audiences and if the images will be appropriate, we dont want to exaggerate certain concepts that will offend some people. When taking our images we also have to think about the setting if they would suit the magazine if not we had to make sure we had the tool (Photoshop) to able to edit them so they didnt look out of place.

Colour scheme: The colour scheme chosen for our magazine has to match our genre so we have decided to take these colours into consideration red- this connotes passion and danger which is what happens in most action films, it creates excitement, black- connotes mystery this is to add curiosity to the film so that the target audience stays engaged into the trailer, orange/yellow- these are the colours of fire and explosion it can also connote happiness as there are eventful and happy scenes in tge film/trailer.

Text(language): we may use a range fonts for our production piece, we want fonts that have the action vibe to it to link with our trailer genre we may even carry the font used for our name of the film to the film magazine. other fonts were used to stand out to the target audience if it was something that they should have read and others were used to make text look neat on the magazine pages.

Setting of images: we are going explore a range of local areas closest to us, we will see what areas has the potential to look like an action background.we will try our best to make our models do the typical poses for a magazine shoot and we used props as well to make the images seem more professional and actioned style. Afterwards we then had to cut around the background and find a new setting on the internet so that it would link to the genre of the magazine.

Layout of film magazine

The layout of the magazine, will be similiar to magazines on shelves now. It is important that we meet the codes and conventions of a typical film magazine, but interpret our own ideas. Ideas for our layout will include, the masthead at the top, with the image in the centre of the page, and the text around the sides of the images. Using a simple design will allow to us be more creative with the content rather than focusing on how it would be layed out.

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