Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

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Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

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Question 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

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Question 4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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Final Film Trailer

Analysis of film trailer:

Using technology like this for the first time was challenging. However, as David Gauntlet suggests, that 'We Media' is 'something that everyone can participate and contribute' in. This product now, been put on YouTube can now be something that people watch, and identify. It was important for my product to meet the typical conventions of other film trailers in order for the audience to be interested and watch the film. Using Final Cut Pro has enabled me to produce something that has been produce on a Leading Professional Package that is used for other mainstream products. When making and editing the trailer, it was important for me to make sure the correct effects, in the right places, have been used and all of the obvious conventions - like the advertisement of the film company, have been used. Creating an action genre trailer was challenging, however, we still have created something which is interesting to watch, and still allows the audience to identify the genre. Looking at other action film trailers, realistically, some of the effects and car chases would have been time consuming and at lot of money at cost, so we tried to build our initial thoughts into effects and filming that would still be relevant but easier to do, still putting the message across. I have enjoyed creating the film trailer, that could compete with another mainstream products effectively. Using all of the technology has enabled me to produce a leading product of which constructs the correct conventions, genre, but also assists the other two ancillary tasks.

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Final Film Magazine

Analysis of film magazine: 

In this magazine, I have used typical conventions of a mainstream product. It was easy for me to identify and make this ancillary task due to my experience in AS level. However, I wanted to develop my skills even further, so I produced something to a higher standard. From further research, I identified the obvious conventions of a masthead, image, byline and others, but it was interesting to see what other conventions an action genre magazine followed. To help in this process, I looked into Total Film magazine film company and looked at the mainstream products that would be on the shelves today. It was interesting to consider a female actress on the front cover on most of the magazines - I used this in my initial thoughts as I thought women here in action genre's are connoted as powerful and strong which is the message I wanted to get out for my magazine. The use of the image, in the centre third, catches the readers eye from her body language and facial expression. The masthead was inflicted by the bold mastheads on other media products again drawing the audience in. The font flows round her body enabling the image to be assisted effectively, but also so the audience can received what information they would like quickly. The puff has been created again to draw the audience in, which would then follow into my other two products. 

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Final Film Poster

Analysis of my final film poster: 

I have used two images to put on this film poster - I thought this would grab my potential target audience in. Using the same actress as on my film trailer, the audience will be able to identify the correct information that want to find out. The colour orange runs throughout my magazine too, so audiences would be able to relate to the magazine. The image constructs the genre by the prop she has in her hand: this highlights the genre even further to the extent of my target audience identifying the use of a gun, so the intentional meaning would be correct in the sense that the right message is being put across to my target audience. The typical conventions also add meaning - the certification in the bottom right hand corner is something that you would find on main stream products and the film companies names at the bottom also construct this meaning. The masthead, could be argued that is challenges the typical conventions but I wanted to created something interesting and appealing I have done by doing this. It was important for me to research all other mainstream posters in order to find out, if this was competing on the shelves today, would it fit in. 

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Film Trailer Final Editing

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Risk Assessment for Film Trailer

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Editing film trailer

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Universal Film Company Similiarity Notes: Film Trailer

Film Company Similiarity Notes

We have created a film company logo that has 'made' our film. We have created a film company called MegaPixa. It was important for us to create our own film company to meet the conventions but to also make our film trailer look professional.

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Annotations of still images, analysis of moving image, feedback and reflections: Film trailer

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Continuity of film poster & film magazine

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Magazine front cover

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Audience feedback for my magazine cover

Please take my poll for a few feedback comments...

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Further secondary research - conventions used

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Drafting magazine front cover

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New images taken: Poster

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Research into similiar products: poster

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Potential Target Audiences: Magazine & Poster

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Drafting film poster

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Grid/Layout plan: Poster

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Annotated film poster

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Film Poster Analysis 2

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Film Poster Analysis

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Film Poster Initial Thoughts & Action Plan

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Film Poster Brief

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Movie Trailer Example - Conventions Used

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X Men: First Class Film Trailer

This X-Men film trailer relates to other products that have been made. The conventions typically follow action films, which enables me to find and figure out the types of conventions that would be used in my film trailer. Although, again with the Super 8 film trailer, it would be important to consider the 'do able' conventions to allow me not to time waste when filming my trailer. When watching this trailer , I was appealed from the storyline and the effects of one shot to another. This is something that I have taken into consideration to do for my film trailer by sing Final Cut. Final Cut will enable me to create transactions from one shot to another making the film trailer interesting to watch, to assist the storyline.

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Fast and Furious 6 Film Trailer

After watching this film trailer, the conventions seemed less 'do able' to use. The high speed action chase, enabled me to figure out that the difficulty would be time wasting and would take away my time from filming things that would be relevant and effective. However, again as Roland Barthes suggested about the enigma code, it hooks the audience in, but most importantly the name 'Fast and Furious' has a high and popular expectation of which audiences would then watch. Hopefully, after our film trailer has been made, it has the same effect on audiences, creating the professional aspect to it.

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Super 8 Film Trailer

This film trailer constructs a representation of which Roland Barthes would relate to as the enigma code. This code represents the idea that the audience would be hooked onto the trailer without knowing about it. Throughout the trailer, the narrative storyline attatchs the audience, with young people creating a film. The action packed trailer conventions are important when we considered the making of our trailer, using ideas that were in a sense 'do able' from the props and settings we had. Using the dark nights, was easy to create, we just filmed late at night, and then using simple props such as 'powder' to create the sense of 'drugs' being used. All of the conventions picked out from this trailer allowed me to create something similiar and professional.

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Action Plan Film Trailer

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Initial Thoughts Film Trailer

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Film Trailer Brief

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